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What Is A Domain?

If you want to have a website online, you must have your own domain.

A Domain is a website address that appears in the upper left corner of your browser. It’s a combination of letters used to easily identify the location of your website.

Domain Name

There Are 2 Types of Domains:

Free Domains:

Paid Domains:

This is what everyone uses, with a paid domain:

How To Register A Domain Name

You can register a domain name, which is just the name of your website by 2 methods:

Here is what this means: If you’re making a website for the first time, you will need more than just a domain. You will need a hosting plan.

Hosting plans are explained in the next section but very briefly you need a space where you can put your files on, and if you are making a website for the first time, buying a hosting plan will usually come with 1 domain name.

However if you already have a hosting plan, and would like to add a domain name to it, it’s easy, you just purchase the domain from any registrar company and let it point to your hosting plan server, that way when you put files on your server, your new domain name will point to them.

Don't worry, I show you how to do exactly that in another section, you can read about it Here.

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Hi, my name is Sayed, currently studying Computer Science at York University Toronto. I love creating websites and programming.
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