How To Install WordPress?
Installing WordPress is extremely easy, just make sure to read all the instructions below, then you can just watch the video. :P
7 Easy Steps To Install WordPressStep 1: To get the latest version of WordPress click HERE to visit their main page and click the "Download WordPress" button on the top right. Make sure to choose "Zip" format since it's easy to extract that with any free zip software such as "Winrar". |
Click Below To Watch The Video Tutorial (Coming Soon!) |
Step 2: After you extract the folder, make sure to rename it something like "blog" for example, then upload it under your "public_html" folder using any FTP client such as the free "FileZilla".
You will be able to access your blog through your main domain at:
If you do not want to make your website consist of only the blog and would like to have the blog as a subfolder, you can create a subfolder under your "public_html" folder and upload your blog files there, that way you can still put more files under "public_html" while still be able to access your blog using the subfolder name you used "blog":
Step 3: To start the installation, open your browser and either type your main domain directly such as:
or if you have the blog in a sub-folder then type:
If you receive the following message:
Do not worry, just click "Create a Configuration File".
Step 4: Now you get to fill in the fields needed to install WordPress on your database.
Remember I asked you to make sure you have already created a database at the beginning of this tutorial, you need the database information in order to fill in the fields in WordPress installation.
The installation starting screen should look like this:
Step 5: Assuming that you have created your database and ready, let's take a look at the installation process:
If everything goes well and WordPress can communicate with your database, you will be displayed with the following screen:
Step 6: Now you are ready to fill information about your own blog, make sure to choose this correctly, however if you would like to change it in the future you can easily do it within WordPress.
Make sure to store away safely your administrator's user name and password, they are they key to your whole website.
Step 7: Logging In is easy, to access your login page simply add "wp-admin/" to your domain name such as:
Or if you have the blog installed in a subfolder then you can access your Login page through: