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Install A Local Server

So far we were dealing with an online server created by HostGator. But what if you wanted to create your own local server on your computer that is similar to HostGator's server, that way you can install your site locally and test it before you upload it online.

I'm going to show you just that. But first we need download the software required to do this so follow the next steps carefully:

Install Xampp - A Local Server

Step 1:

Download Xampp, an enviroment that you can use to create a local server on your computer.

Download Xampp

Step 2:

Install Xampp by clicking on the ".exe" file and make sure you select the following options.

Install Xampp

Step 3:

Start the program from your start menu and you should have something that looks like the screenshot below. Make sure at least the first 2 options are checked in order for your server to work.

Run Xampp

Step 4:

Make sure to type in the address bar "http://localhost/" then click "PhPMyAdmin" to display the page where you can create new databases for your website.

Configure Xampp

Step 5:

By entering a name for your database as in the screenshot below, you will be able to create that database and use it for any of your websites.

Create A Database

Step 6:

So far I've showed you how to create a database on your new local server, however if you want to upload files, you can go to your "Xampp" folder under your "C:/" dive then go to "htdocs" and any folder you put in there count as your websites folder.

Make sure you access any files inside your "htdocs" folder by visiting your browser then typing "http://localhost/" followed by the folder name and then the file name that you want to load, you can now load PHP files as well as HTML on your new local server.
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